The duo “BOOSTEDKIDS” is composed by two young italian deejays producers: Dany Spada and Frankinelli. In the past 2 years they worked with artists like Crystal Waters, Tasita d’Mour, Djs From Mars, Gabry Ponte and remixed tracks for Bob Sinclar, Nari & Milani, Pitbull, Eric Carter and many others…\r
Their single ‘Strasbourg’ was mash-upped and played by Chuckie on BBC Radio 1. The following tracks called “Euterpe”, “Kokai” ecc are supported by The Kings Of Tomorrowland ‘Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike’, Chuckie, Yves V, Alvaro, Basto, Regi, Jacob Van Hage, Nicolaz and many others! Out now the Remix for the german duo ‘Plastik Funk’ and a big collaboration with one of the best deejay-producer duo in the world 'Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike' - G.I.P.S.Y. inc. in the Tomorrowland Official Aftermovie 2013 and played live at the TomorrwWorld Mainstage! In the next days the release of their Remix in collaboration with Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike and Wolfpack of...