

I have a pretty cliche sob story full of years of struggle and being alone. I too like most of you started at 1 Like and no followers. And while many say I’m lucky this stuff is happening for me, I disagree. Because the luck is being pointed in the wrong direction. I was lucky to have the support of every single person that was here before I was recognize for what I do. Without that rock and with out you guys, I would have never been able to over come the cards that life has dealt out for me. And that’s where I’m lucky.\r Like most people I come from a broken home, an addict cheating lying coward of a “father”, and like most was bullied my whole life for being different. I’ve been the victim of unreal circumstances and even have a condition that should have me on disability but none of that matters because I found my place after 25 years of being a black sheep and alone. And that place is here.\r The support this scene has shown me has pushed ...

