David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Rebecca Evans&Diana Montague&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Opera North Chorus&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart&Giovanni Battista Varesco
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Bruce Ford&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Bruce Ford&Diana Montague&Susan Patterson&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Rebecca Evans&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Bruce Ford&Diana Montague&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Susan Patterson&Opera North Chorus&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Rebecca Evans&Bruce Ford&Ryland Davies&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Susan Patterson&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Diana Montague&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Rebecca Evans&Diana Montague&Bruce Ford&Susan Patterson&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Bruce Ford&Diana Montague&Rebecca Evans&Susan Patterson&Ryland Davies&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Clive Bayley&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Bruce Ford&Nicolai Gedda&Opera North Chorus&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Bruce Ford&Ryland Davies&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Bruce Ford&Diana Montague&Rebecca Evans&Susan Patterson&Ryland Davies&Nicolai Gedda&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Bruce Ford&Diana Montague&Rebecca Evans&Nicolai Gedda&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Diana Montague&Rebecca Evans&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Nicolai Gedda&Bruce Ford&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Ryland Davies&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Susan Patterson&Diana Montague&Ryland Davies&Rebecca Evans&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
David Parry&The Orchestra Of Opera North&Nicolai Gedda&Opera North Chorus&Giovanni Battista Varesco&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Valentina Nafornita&Münchner Rundfunkorchester&Keri-Lynn Wilson&Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart&Giovanni Battista Varesco
Giovanni Battista Varesco