

美国基督教音乐团体\r \r REMNANT is a band of worship leaders that has served as a worship team in our hometown church for more than a decade. Having been led to Lakeport from different cities and in one case another state, we found ourselves fortunate enough to have been bound and knit together under a ministry dedicated to our personal growth and individual walks with God.\r \r REMNANT’s lyrics are often pulled directly from scripture and invoke epic imagery, blended into a personal and relevant, but timeless flavor and fragrance. Jon and Anna have penned over 250 original musical works between them, and counting. By design and through years of the laying down of their lives, sometimes sacrificially, both have written amazingly poetic and penetrating songs, either directly to God or songs that highlight His desire for relationship and intimacy with a people - really any who would choose Him. Much like David’s Psalms that bring to remembrance...

