Childs是一支来自墨西哥的乐队,相比于现下存在的各种音乐标签,Childs更愿意用Electronic Lullabies(电子童谣)来定义他们混杂了电子乐,自赏梦幻流行和后摇的风格。
早期的Childs是来自墨西哥的音乐家 Paúl Marrón和Guillermo Bátiz 在2001年成立的乐队,这个二人乐队的模式一直持续到2007年。乐队核心主创Paúl非常喜欢动漫,尤其是EVA(新世纪福音战士)。于2006年发行的首张专辑《YUI》中处处有EVA的痕迹。
Born in Ensenada (1981, Mexico), producer, guitarist and songwriter Paul Marron started this musical project back in 2001, after locally having released electronic music with the moniker "Rade" which would set the basis for a more ambitious collaborative effort that would become Childs.
With the objective of making music that made a connection with the dream world, Paul was inspired by anime aesthetics, dreampop, IDM, shoegaze and post-rock to release two EP's ("Childs" in 2002 and "Reki" in 2003) before finally finished producing 2006's "Yui" under one of Mexico's...