Poncho Sanchez资料,Poncho Sanchez最新歌曲,Poncho SanchezMV视频,Poncho Sanchez音乐专辑,Poncho Sanchez好听的歌

Poncho Sanchez

by Scott Yanow\r Ever since he led his first record date in 1982, Poncho Sanchez has headed one of the most popular and influential Latin jazz bands around. The youngest of 11 children, Sanchez taught himself to play guitar, flute, drums, and timbales before settling on the congas. After a period playing with local bands, he joined Cal Tjaders band in 1975 and was an important part of Tjaders pacesetting group until his idols death in 1982. Shortly after he formed his own band and has since recorded on a regular basis for Concord Picante. Sanchezs group is very active, playing in clubs, concerts, and festivals on a regular basis.\r

