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Inara George

当你听过The Bird and the Bee的音乐并且深入了解下歌手就会发现女主唱就是Inara George,Inara George出身音乐名门,自然沾有浓郁的音乐细胞,这张个人专辑要比The Bird and the Bee中的音乐显得淡雅一些,你也会感到些Bossa Nova和爵士的元素,慵懒,动人...! When she isn't exploring the intersection between jazz, tropicalia, and indie pop with the Bird and the Bee, vocalist Inara George enjoys a solo career as a talented singer/songwriter. At a young age, she was surrounded by the music of her father (Little Feat's Lowell George) and his illustrious peers — Jackson Browne, Terry Allen, and Van Dyke Parks — yet George never intended to follow in her late father's footsteps. Rather, theater was her forte, and George's younger years were spent performing Shakespeare in her native Topanga Canyon, a community in the Santa Monica mountains. She later relocated to Boston to study acting in the classical theater tradition. While visiting home one summer, George...
