来自法国的Brutal Death Metal乐队Kronos,组建于94年,组建之初,乐队风格受到slayer的很大影响,并追求更狠更重的thrash,而后乐队开始走残死风格路线,并于2001年录制的正式的首张专辑,得到好评。音乐内容受到希腊神话的影响,多以希腊神话为主题,乐队的名字就是来源于传说中泰坦神第一人领袖的名字---克洛诺斯。\r
With three albums under their sleeve, French brutal death metal act Kronos had established quite a name for itself based solely on the musical unity of harmony and violence. Featuring a continuous textual reference to the gods of ancient civilizations, Kronos punctures the ears and infuses the spirit with a heightened level of dynamism currently practiced only by a select number of bands. \r
It all began nearly 15 years ago in a minute town in the north-eastern province of Alsace-Lorraine, as young kids Grams and Mike joined forces alongside Marot and Jérémy to bring into existence the sparks of chaos that would evolve to become the ulti...