Alex The Greatest&Villegas&Eybiem
Alex The Greatest
Alex The Greatest&Eybiem
Wibal y Alex&Alex The Greatest&Letra&Juan Ivan Orengo&Jose A Rivera Ortiz&Jose A Diaz Alejandro
Alex The Greatest&Freedom
Yamil&Akuna&Alex The Greatest&R.K.M.&Pink Panther&Kastrofobia&El Amolao&NAL&Kanito la Presion&Conflikto
Wibal y Alex&Alex The Greatest
Wibal y Alex&Alex The Greatest&Mambo
Alex The Greatest&Wibal&Los de la V
Wibal y Alex&Alex The Greatest&Divino&Jose A Diaz Alejandro&Jose A Rivera Ortiz&Daniel Velazquez
Wibal y Alex&Alex The Greatest&Jadiel&Ivan Rodriguez Lopez&Jose A Diaz Alejandro&Andres Rodriguez Cumba&Ramon Gonzales Adams&Jose A Rivera Ortiz&Juan Orengo
Wibal y Alex&Alex The Greatest&Eybiem&Jose A Rivera Ortiz&Jose A Diaz Alejandro&Jonathan de la Cruz&Adrian Vazquez Morales
Wibal y Alex&Alex The Greatest&Area 3&Jose A Diaz Alejandro&Jose A Rivera Ortiz
Alex The Greatest&Auténtico
Alex The Greatest&Xylon