Baxter Dury
by MacKenzie Wilson
Ian Dury's only son didn't think he'd follow his famous father's lead into music. He thought it would be too easy, an obvious expectation. Alas, Baxter Dury found himself writing songs and crafting a music career by age 30, but the elder Dury didn't live to see it.
Baxter Dury was born in the early 1970s while his parents, Ian and Betty Dury, were barely out of art college. His childhood was surrounded by his father's musical fracas with Kilburn & the High Roads, and eventually Ian Dury & The Blockheads. Baxter didn't enjoy school and found himself kicked out of several institutions by the time he was 15. Soul, funk and jazz provided an escape, but Baxter couldn't completely ignore his education. When his Dad went off to work with Roman Polanski for the 1986 swashbuckler Pirates, Baxter was left with the Sulphate Strangler. The Sulphate Strangler, who was covered in tattoos and stood at 6'8'', was an ex-roadie for Led Zepp...