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Russo Passapusso

Russian Passapusso not. The singer Bahia de Feira de Santana that integrates musical projects BaianaSystem, Bemba Trio and Dubstereo now preparing his first solo album with the support of Natura Musical. Russian released in early July, a preview of the song 'Blood of Brazil' and told iBahia that prediction is hard to launch October. \r \r The song, released in the midst of the riots that broke out between June and July in Brazil,But Russo said the song was written ten years ago. "It's one of my first songs soon when I arrived in Salvador. Already was the music I wanted to show first. Believe that at any time it would make sense. Struggling to change that," said the Russian iBahia. \r \r The process of the album features some partnerships of musician friends, already established in the independent scene in Brazil. "I'm producing along with Curumim, Zé Nigro and Lucas Martins. Finding images We are going to sound," Russo said. Near completion, t...

