Delete The Distortion
Paul Edge makes his debut on Aerotek, and what a way to announce his inception into the family! Delete The Distortion is a massive 6 track EP, full of originals and tasty Techno treats. This EP has a little bit of everything for your flavor, some hard-edge Techno for those that feel the need to properly rage at a rave, or some Broken Techno to vibe out to, or better yet, some Acid flavor to take you back in time, it's all here, for your listening pleasure. Paul Edge takes no prisoners with this one, and what an honor it is to have him!
The Outer Limits head honcho has been doing his thing for quite some time, accumulating countless accolades under his belt, only to further solidify his legendary run. 80 releases and over 20 remixes, global sales in excess of 200.000, international DJ who has headlined in 20 countries, tracks supported by Carl Cox, Dave Clarke, Chris Liebing, Marcel Dettman, the list goes on and on for this impress...
The Outer Limits head honcho has been doing his thing for quite some time, accumulating countless accolades under his belt, only to further solidify his legendary run. 80 releases and over 20 remixes, global sales in excess of 200.000, international DJ who has headlined in 20 countries, tracks supported by Carl Cox, Dave Clarke, Chris Liebing, Marcel Dettman, the list goes on and on for this impress...