After Doomsday

After Doomsday

Some words before review:

"This single was inspired by the other side of ukrainian revolution that was made in Eastern Ukraine. People thought that they can say, think, talk different than Euro-Maidan, but in result they now a terrorists, because they just wanted to be free with their opinion. And the war between brothers in result..."

This great release was made by 3 talented guys from 3 different russian cities - Bryansk, Kalinin & Tula (already known as Abstract Vision native land). Their names are Sergey Hromov, Evgeny Krukov & Evgeny Kozlov and they are united in Sound Forces to do a such great single and dedicate it to the peace in the post USSR territories - Ukraine and Russia. The world maybe dont know what is really happening here in Eastern Ukraine, we hope this cover can show you a one moment from this region.
This single was supported by the great remixers from already known - Vitaly Otto (from Moskow...
