All Too Robot

All Too Robot

All Too Robot takes its name from the Nietzsche work “Human, All Too Human.” Unlike the Nietzsche book, which discusses the possibility of achieving some sort of enlightenment on earth, All Too Robot explores the futility of such a search.

The concepts behind this album were theorized when I was thinking about all the lost potential of my friends who upon graduation went into banking and consulting. These friends claimed that they wanted to make a lot of money quickly so that later on in life they would be able to enjoy themselves. Regardless of how unhappy they are with their data-entry jobs, they became comfortable, and now find it difficult to leave. In the process of trying to embrace their humanity, they got caught up in the repetitive functions of their jobs, and thus become more like robots.

I decided to write, record, and produce this album by myself in order to learn more about these processes. However, my abilities on...
