Ugly Eye
"When they broke out of the gate, I anticipated Congress to be inheriting a bit of Wire’s post-punk and some of Fugazi’s post-hardcore. But the great news contained in Ugly Eye is that they’re not really either of those derivatives and, instead, winningly, becoming their own curious concoction of propulsive percussive rock and funk-flaired surf/punk. These songs, produced with Ian Saylor, are more toe-tappers than head-bangers, more driving, coasting, soaring type jams rather than moshed-bombast. These songs sound like they have wings. They can do barrel rolls. And, to reiterate the chemistry, it sounds like they’re all securely harnessed, so why not try a loop-de-loop. Take off."
- Jeff Milo, Current magazine
Congress is Jim Cherewick, Eric Gallippo, Ed Golembiewski, Aaron Quillen
Formed in 2011 in Ypsilanti, Michigan
Previous releases include the Maker EP and a Split 7-inch with Green Lights
Ugly Eye is the band's debut fu...
- Jeff Milo, Current magazine
Congress is Jim Cherewick, Eric Gallippo, Ed Golembiewski, Aaron Quillen
Formed in 2011 in Ypsilanti, Michigan
Previous releases include the Maker EP and a Split 7-inch with Green Lights
Ugly Eye is the band's debut fu...