Grace Notes
Lift your voice unto the Lord…
Peggy Mann
When I was a little girl, my father told me that God gave me a special gift. He said that the gift was given to me so that I could share my love of the Lord in a musical way. I always knew that he was right and I started singing at age seven. Since that time I have sung almost every kind of music there is and have recorded 3 CD’s. The difference between then and now is that in the past, being a Christian was just part of my music, and now it has become the focus of my music! My dad is gone now, but how he must be smiling down upon me. My newest and 4th CD being released in February is called “Grace Notes.” One of my favorite songs on it is entitled “Daddy, I Wish You Could See Me Now.” How proud my dad would have been to see me take his advice after so many years. When God touches our lives we are forever changed. God touched my life in a pro...
Peggy Mann
When I was a little girl, my father told me that God gave me a special gift. He said that the gift was given to me so that I could share my love of the Lord in a musical way. I always knew that he was right and I started singing at age seven. Since that time I have sung almost every kind of music there is and have recorded 3 CD’s. The difference between then and now is that in the past, being a Christian was just part of my music, and now it has become the focus of my music! My dad is gone now, but how he must be smiling down upon me. My newest and 4th CD being released in February is called “Grace Notes.” One of my favorite songs on it is entitled “Daddy, I Wish You Could See Me Now.” How proud my dad would have been to see me take his advice after so many years. When God touches our lives we are forever changed. God touched my life in a pro...