Smoke Trails the Album (Smokedout Music Presents)
Smoked Out Music presents
Smoke Trails The Album
Enter as you may , but be warned the things you might hear , and most certainly the feelings one might find them self experiencing , Could be mind altering , As Smoke Trails is NOT just music , It's experience , it's enjoyment , It is art , To bring many feelings of Highs and lows , It's life how we know it . Take a listen , inhale the movement.
Smoke Trails The Album
Enter as you may , but be warned the things you might hear , and most certainly the feelings one might find them self experiencing , Could be mind altering , As Smoke Trails is NOT just music , It's experience , it's enjoyment , It is art , To bring many feelings of Highs and lows , It's life how we know it . Take a listen , inhale the movement.