

"…based on Trinity, I can say: Division – US Metal that does not suck. Period." - Marcel Haster,

"…Division brings a driving record filled with a crunch laden riff structure, going from a straightforward early Maiden-meets-Sabbath riff grind to more emotional, dark pastures, putting all those elements in their places throughout the record." -Hashman, RevelationZ Magazine,

"Trinity," released on MetalAges Records in 2004, is by far the most intense Division album to date.

From the ripping opener "Eleventh Hour" through the grind of "Tapping the Vein," and culminating with the epic "No World Order," Trinity showcases the band's energy and aggression while retaining a strong sense of melody. Strong enough, in fact, to be featured in the seminal German underground magazine Heavy, Oder Was?! and included in the accompanying Metal Crusade VII sampler. The band continues its tr...
