Sweet as Reggae

Sweet as Reggae

The album title "Sweet as Reggae" from Better Chemistry is encompassing more than a decades worth of growth and experiance with performing reggae, ska and rock blends. Better Chemistry builds on the roots that many of the great artists have provided throughout our lives and turning everyday life experiences into music that everyone can enjoy. With the eclectic blend of players, from rock n roll, reggae, ska, pop, jam, R&B artists, we and uniting the genres. Coming out of the Los Angeles area, we are the melting pot of music and take pride in producing an album that is meant to played in its entirety.
When we open our mind and ears to "Spread the Love" is when we begin to realize that life is short and getting shorter every day. With war, disease, famine and economic emergencies, we need build on our roots to become stronger every day. Finding the one and knowing, "You’re the One" for me will lift us up as love always does....
