Out of the Gate

Out of the Gate

The Appaloosa Story
In the spring of 2011, and after they both retired from their careers, Eli Ashley said, "I think we're going to play music now." And his wife, Dottie, replied sceptically, "We are?" A couple of months later, he came home with their pickup loaded with used gear: electric amps, guitars and microphones. She figured he was serious. They started practicing, took guitar lessons (they played in high school...it's been a long time), and she took drum lessons from Dale Largent because, in the beginning, they leaned toward being a rock and roll band!
Soon, however, Eli figured out that they wanted to be a trio and needed a bass player and found Steve Jensen playing out one night. The rest is music history!

Appaloosa played two gigs in 2013: MOTH/Sisters Folk Festival and the Sound Garden with special guest guitarists Joe Dean and Mark Coombe.

2014 was filled with music: MOTH/Sisters Folk Festival, The Patio/Nor...
