Judy's Scary Little Christmas (Original L.A. Cast Album)
JUDY'S SCARY LITTLE CHRISTMAS - Original Los Angeles Cast Album. Ovation Award Winner Connie Champagne as "Judy Garland" in a hilarious send-up of live television specials of the 1950's. "Too good to waste on Scrooges" declared Talkin' Broadway, "this is camp, but camp with brains." Joe Patrick Ward's original score "serves the material perfectly, with 'Angel Star' and 'Make it Shine' both knockouts in the Garland manner." (Hollywood Reporter) "A witty score and a knockout cast." (Los Angeles Times). "The songs are infectiously melodic and contagious fun!" (Chicago Free-Press). With a hilarious book by James Webber and David Church, Kay Cole directed and choreographed this delightful musical spoof in Los Angeles, with productions following across the country. This dead-on original cast of Judy's celebrity guests include Sean Smith (as "Bing Crosby"), Eric Anderson (as "Richard Nixon"), Lauri Johnson (as "Ethel Merman"), Don Lucas (as "L...