He's Not Little League Anymore

He's Not Little League Anymore

In the past few years Mr Kneel has entertained kids and families in over four hundred venues both foreign and domestic. He's played in schools, children's museums, gymnasiums, auditoriums and cafetoriums. In fact, Mr Kneel has played for tens of thousands of people in forty of the United States, Canada and the Dominican Republic! Now Mr Kneel is back home in Colorado and ready to release his new CD:

“He’s Not Little League Anymore!”

Many of you know Mr Kneel as the creator of the family themed Hip Hop crew known as the Littleague. Well, Kneel's new friends at Little League Baseball International didn't much like his name choice and politely forced him to change it to something new. Mr Kneel: that's what his former kindergarten and pre-school students called him for years, so it just made sense. Now Mr Kneel likes to take a knee when he kindly asks for parents to support him in helpi...
