The Truth

The Truth

Poetry - Culture - Art - Liberty of the Human Spirit - Revolution - the Underground - Spoken Word - Expressive Fusion!

Walk in any poetry venue or ask any lover of spoken word and its poetic messengers and whisper Queen Sheba; the vibe changes, the atmosphere clings like static emotions and you'll know they have experienced royalty first hand. Thirty minutes with Queen Sheba on stage sharing her life, wisdom, pain and means of survival and life takes on a different excitement. She is an undeniable vessel of self-_expression, passion and versatility and her live performances authenticate the artistic fervor she brings to each and every microphone she blesses. Queen Sheba is committed, soulful, rebellious, ingenious, sexy, endearing, powerful and her outward beauty is birthed from within. Welcome to the dawn of an old age, reborn. The Queen has arrived.

Queen Sheba is a Spoken Word master poetess based in Norfolk, VA who has qui...
