

"It's difficult to be a music critic and come across performers who leave you absolutely speechless. You're lost in the sheer joy of experiencing a music whose impact can't really be explained. What makes music great is when it makes your hair stand on end, when it provokes a response rooted in the blood, not the brain. That's why I gave up trying to write about Stecher and Brislin. " - Jack Purdy, City Paper, Baltimore.

"Their music captures the essence and core of traditional music. Their bare-bones approach to this art form ranks them among the legends". - Pete Kuykendall, editor Bluegrass Unlimited.

"Kate Brislin is perhaps the finest traditional country singer on the West Coast. She has one of the truly rich, moving voices in folk music, uniquely evocative and perfectly suited to her material". - Randy Pitts, Down Home Music

"The level of imagination that Jody brings to his playing and the depth of emotion evident i...
