The Planting of Trees (Explicit)
Scott Ballard's "The Planting of Trees" full length album is GREAT DRIVING MUSIC. When I took the attractive red ink art disk out of the attractive red ink art CD Jacket, and plopped it into the car stereo at the beginning of a road trip, I did not know what to expect. Scott Ballard makes rap songs, and guitar songwriter songs, and multi-instrumental lyrical rock songs... The album turns out to be yet another genre for Ballard, and a hard one to do well at that: instrumental composition. I was happy to find this a well balanced meditation on varying genres of music (always with slight nods towards Dub and hip hop), served up in mostly instrumental tracks that last long enough to induce pleasant trance, but never long enough to get boring. The album starts off with serious sounding electronic rhythms that might make you think hip hop will ensue... those entice you a bit and then you are led into a confidentally and philosophically silly gu...