

I Hate This Place is a pop/electronic project that was created in 2004 by Sean Nerney, who had, by a cruel twist of fate, found himself shivering away in Denver, Colorado that winter. IHTP was formed not so much as a reaction to the physical location, but to the mental state that the place brought out. Out in the Rockies, feelings of distance and isolation took hold, and the only natural response was to start writing music... impossibly happy electronic pop music. Thus, IHTP's first album, One Minute Mayhem, was born. The songs were basic but catchy, and, from these first steps into the world, the IHTP sound gradually coalesced into something a bit less manic and more introspective.
Drawing inspiration from the likes of The Postal Service, The Album Leaf, as well as some of his favorite 80s synthpop groups, Sean further developed an aural aesthetic that is unique yet still accessible. In I Hate This Place's latest album, Our Hearts Still B...
