Red and All Red (Live At the Seattle ECD Ball)

Red and All Red (Live At the Seattle ECD Ball)

Seattle has traditionally held an English Country Dance (ECD) Ball in January for a number of years. Various local and out-of-town musicians are asked to play for the dancers. In 2009, The band KGB (Julie King, Claude Ginsburg and Dave Bartley), augmented with Fred Nussbaum on cello, formed the band MI-5 to play for the Ball.

The music for ECD (and if you are unfamiliar with this form, it is the kind of dancing you can see in Jane Austen period movies such as Sense and Sensibility) is rooted in both the early origins of European classical music and the folk traditions of Great Britain. As the popularity of ECD in America and other countries in western Europe has increased in the last half-century, new dances have been created, and the music has been flavored by other traditions and genres.

MI-5 draws on both the traditional roots of ECD music as well as using more modern interpretations. In these recordings, the pieces are played...
