Cator Chronicles
IAMGOSPEL presents Cator Chronicles. This is the 15th studio album for Educator. Who is Educator? Every Day Understanding Christ And Teaching Others Righteousness…Temetrius Gistand aka Educator began his gospel rap ministry/career is 1990. He gave his life to Christ and was baptized. Then after studying the bible and getting closer in his walk with the Lord, he starting going out to share the good news. He has been ministering in rhyme for over 25 years. His mission is to encourage the youth and adults to come to Christ. He is married and has 3 children. As a devoted husband and father, he is determined to reach the world by providing inspired music and personal testimonies of the goodness and grace of God. Currently he and his family worships at The Word Church in Houston, Texas. Though the mission continues to be winning souls to Christ, God has blessed him with favor to be recognized with different awards that include:
•2002 Texas Gospel...
•2002 Texas Gospel...