Ain't No Pillows on the Road

Ain't No Pillows on the Road

Thed Weller -"Ain't No Pillows on the Road." - Debut Album
Hip-Hop Artist / Lyrical Musician / Producer...Now on iTunes!


Thed Weller is a lyrical musician that hails from Bessemer, Alabama. He's been in the game for a number of years but has yet to come out with a full length CD/Album until now. Ain't No Pillows on the Road, the title of his debut project, is a collection of 16 songs (+3 bonus tracks) that blend today's subject matter with the hard hitting beats and musical influences of yesteryear. Songs like "Marriage of Niggarohs" which chronicles the struggles of Black Folks trying to keep the family together, and "Walk it off" which is the story of "a recovering hater-holic" display Thed's unique story telling abilities while his ca-lab-o with The Red Light District's S. Fly on "Stop, Look, Listen" take you back to a time when hip hop was in it's hay-day...hard beats and and even harder rhymes! Th...
