Eddie Parker&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandler
Al Gardner&Jack Ashford&Ermastine Lewis
Johnny Griffith&Billy Sha-Rae's Band&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandler
Billy Sha-Rae&Jim Coleman&A Gardner&Soul Congress
The Four Sonics&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandler&Johnny Dixon
Eddie Parker&Billy Sha-Rae's Soul Congress Band&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandler&Jimmie Coleman
Sandra Richardson&Lorraine Chandler&George Rountree
The Smith Brothers&Lorraine Chandler&George Rountree
Eddie Parker&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandler&Wanda Crawford
Jack Ashford&George Rountree
Softouch&Jack Ashford&Saundra Richardson&George Rountree
The Smith Brothers&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandler&George Rountree
Billy Sha-Rae&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandler
The Magnificents&Jack Ashford&Jim Coleman&Walter Rudds
Ray Gant&Arabian Knights&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandler
Al Gardner&Johnny Dixon&T Ridgeway
The Four Sonics Plus One&Jack Ashford&Andrew Terry
Lee Rogers&Jack Ashford&Bobby Croft
Jack Ashford&The Sound Of New Detroit&Lorraine Chandler&Eddie Willis
Ray Gant&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandler&Rufus Harris
Sandra Richardson&Jack Ashford&Lorraine Chandle
The Smith Brothers&John Onvia Smith
Sandra Richardson&Jack Ashford&George Rountree