sunbeam surrounded by winter

sunbeam surrounded by winter

One can see reflections of Luthea’s nomadic and bohemian upbringing throughout her well crafted songs. Having grown up, traveled and lived in different parts of the world, this young multicultural and multilingual artist brings her life together with her music, proving to be a charismatic unique universe worth discovering.

The mythical qualities of a nomadic lifestyle and songwriting come somewhat naturally to Luthea, whose childhood consisted of a certain '80s-era nomadism growing in the east coast of Canada to later emerge in a totally different culture in Spain in an artistic environment formed by painters and writers. Finally her parents decide to settle in Barcelona, where they are originally from. Luthea soon adapts to the new language and ways, but just in time to decide to try a new life in London on her own at just 17. It’s in this capital city where she starts to discover the true artist in her, spending most of her time writi...
