Salsa It Web Edition, Vol. 13

Salsa It Web Edition, Vol. 13 Web Edition Vol. 13 is the eagerly awaited recording event of the winter season 2016, produced in Italy and charged as usual with exciting musical dynamism. The project developed by Alosibla Music Group closes the current year to lead us into the new year launching, as is customary, the ubiquitous slogan which, for this edition, will be “Let the Music Play”. The close connection with the major Italian Latin music portal run by Francisco Rojos, the tireless protagonist and the inspiration behind the project as well as the artistic direction supervisor of the works contained in the compilation, paves the way for Vol. 13 to climb up the charts and to please the taste of its large audience of enthusiast listeners and dancers.
The first of the 13 featured songs is Permiteme, a salsa song composed in Italy but recorded in Colombia, introducing the intense personality of Dyago Salsa, the first new performer of the record. The po...
