Dixfisical is Mario Viera from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain. He loves Cosmic Disco just like we do. This is why Mario’s first track “Nebula” follows Emerald & Doreen’s mantra, the famous Bobby Orlando quote “The bass makes the music”: “Nebula” comes along as a spaced-out cosmic disco beauty with beautiful rolling synth bassline. Next up, “Infinity”, a timid sunset chiller until the fat electro funk bass turns it into a slick groove monster. “Bionic Love” presents pure warm robotic summer beach disco bliss. Bill Shakes speeds up Nebula and adds strobo lights to it, Dalo rather goes for bassline-heavy dub house and PseudoMe closes this lovely package of island disco with a epic and hypnotic movie score-esque soundtrack with a wonderful set of organic hi hats for the new Miami Vice 2015 series.