Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Simone Alaimo&Sharon Sweet&Thomas Allen&Robert Lloyd&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Robert Lloyd&Thomas Allen&Simone Alaimo&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Simone Alaimo&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Sharon Sweet&Francisco Araiza&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Karita Mattila&Thomas Allen&Simone Alaimo&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Simone Alaimo&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Karita Mattila&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Marie McLaughlIn&Claudio Otelli&Ambrosian Opera Chorus&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Simone Alaimo&Marie McLaughlIn&Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Marie McLaughlIn&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Karita Mattila&Marie McLaughlIn&Thomas Allen&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Francisco Araiza&Sharon Sweet&Karita Mattila&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Karita Mattila&Sharon Sweet&Francisco Araiza&Thomas Allen&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Sharon Sweet&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Francisco Araiza&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Simone Alaimo&Thomas Allen&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Marie McLaughlIn&Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Marie McLaughlIn&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Claudio Otelli&Thomas Allen&Marie McLaughlIn&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Claudio Otelli&Marie McLaughlIn&Thomas Allen&Ambrosian Opera Chorus&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Karita Mattila&Francisco Araiza&Sharon Sweet&Simone Alaimo&Thomas Allen&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Sharon Sweet&Francisco Araiza&Karita Mattila&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Simone Alaimo&Claudio Otelli&Marie McLaughlIn&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Simone Alaimo&Sharon Sweet&Karita Mattila&Francisco Araiza&Thomas Allen&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Simone Alaimo&Karita Mattila&Francisco Araiza&Sharon Sweet&Thomas Allen&Marie McLaughlIn&Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Simone Alaimo&Sharon Sweet&Francisco Araiza&Karita Mattila&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Sharon Sweet&Karita Mattila&Marie McLaughlIn&Francisco Araiza&Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Simone Alaimo&Karita Mattila&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&James Ellis&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Claudio Otelli&Marie McLaughlIn&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Simone Alaimo&Karita Mattila&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Karita Mattila&Simone Alaimo&Francisco Araiza&Sharon Sweet&Marie McLaughlIn&Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Marie McLaughlIn&Karita Mattila&Francisco Araiza&Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Karita Mattila&Claudio Otelli&Marie McLaughlIn&Francisco Araiza&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Thomas Allen&Simone Alaimo&Robert Lloyd&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Simone Alaimo&Thomas Allen&Robert Lloyd&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Francisco Araiza&Sharon Sweet&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Robert Lloyd&Thomas Allen&Simone Alaimo&Ambrosian Opera Chorus&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Sharon Sweet&Francisco Araiza&Karita Mattila&Simone Alaimo&Marie McLaughlIn&Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner
Francisco Araiza&Sharon Sweet&Karita Mattila&Simone Alaimo&Marie McLaughlIn&Claudio Otelli&Academy of St Martin in the Fields&Neville Marriner