Star of the Sea

Star of the Sea

Star of the Sea Reviews

By all means dive in...From the very first track, the music's historical references obviously draw upon the medieval era of Europe as well as the sounds of the Middle East...Even with all of these reference points, the music of Stellamara is not derivitave, but rather quite refreshing. Fine late night or early morning sounds to fill the air.
--Detroit Metro Times

...Something astonishing...Drakulich pulls lyrics from 13th century Galicia, Croatia, Persia, and from deep within her own musical experience and inspiration. The music thus produced defies simple description. This is one to hear with ears and mind open. Given the opportunity, Stellamara will transport you to a place outside of time... This is world music for another world- one well worth a visit.
--Cosmik Debris

...among the most appealing releases of the year.

Stellamara is a global symphony spun through minar...
