Secret Diary
by Stephen CramerThe chaotic orchestral-noise sounds of Greg Gillis' Girl Talk is loud and abrasive on Secret Diary. The frenetic pace of some of the songs is downright confusing at times, with the listener mentally rushing to figure out the method to the madness. Gillis is somehow able to piece together some timeless pieces of music into a dizzying, yet listenable, collection of collage songs. The disc starts, appropriately, with "Let's Start This Party Right," which is chock-full of computer samples and a wealth of infectious beats. What follows is a lively and irreverent cover of the Jackson 5's "I Want You Back." Cyndi Lauper, Jay-Z, Destiny's Child, and C&C Music Factory are also borrowed from to create an album that is refreshingly new, despite its use of very familiar songs. "What if..." is a noisy and eclectic take on Sheryl Crow's cover of Joan Osborne's "What if God was One of Us." He mixes rap and abrasive electronic beats on top t...